Radical Meditation: a practice of interbeing in times of crisis (BIPOC only) w/ Touk Keo — March 24th

Radical Meditation: a practice of interbeing in times of crisis (BIPOC only) w/ Touk Keo — March 24th

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Radical Meditation: a practice of interbeing in times of crisis.

With Touk Keo

Monday, March 24th
6-7PM Pacific over Zoom
(A recording will be made available to all registrants for a limited period afterwards.)

Please join us for a monthly meditation and conversation on the practice of sitting or lying in meditation in a time of political, environmental, and personal crisis, especially drawing upon practices and teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and Plum Village. This series is facilitated by Touk Keo and Janice Lee.

All experience levels, backgrounds, ages are welcome.

Please note: This month’s meditation is open to those who identify as BIPOC only.


Touk Keo (they/them) was raised in Salem, Oregon, after both of my parents fled the Khmer Rouge in April of 1975. Through witnessing and experiencing the impacts of genocide, I have taken it upon myself to find mentors like Grace Lee Boggs, to better understand the world they see themselves thriving in, by "re-spiriting, re-building, and re-imagining” what that could look like. To me, it has meant creating spaces like the Radical Meditation for BIPOC communities to see the deeper truth of what it means to decolonize, re-claim identities, rename oneself, and to reconnect with spirits of their country that have also been displaced by U.S. occupation.

I have a Bachelor's of Science in Gender, Sexuality Studies, and Master's in Education and School Counseling. I am grateful for the work that they've been able to do in graduate studies focusing on the need for BIPOC representation, community-driven change, and while asking for more accountability from their educational institutions. Much of my work in the community is centered on empowering Black and Indigenous people through fundraisers, community gatherings, and with their farm animals.

I am also an avid farmer with an herbal labyrinth, a quarter acre with veggies grown through companion planting, and 5 chickens, 2 goats, 2 kittens, a grumpy chihuahua named Neko who's recently died after the birth of our human baby, Nayeli, and my incredible partner, Jeevan.



This is a community offering and our goal is to make this as accessible as possible for all who are interested in practicing.

The following payment model is inspired by and borrowed from the payment model of Bayo Akomolafe’s class, We Will Dance With Mountains: Into the Cracks

This event offers a sliding scale based on your relative financial standing. In an effort to reflect disparity in economic condition and access to wealth, the following payment system is designed for those with more wealth to help cover the costs of those with less access to wealth and resources. We trust your discernment of your current financial situation and how you fit into the global economic context.

As you decide what amount to pay, please consider your present-day financial situation governed by income, but also the following factors: historical discrimination faced by your peoples; your financial wealth (retirement/savings/investments); your access to income and financial wealth, both current and anticipated (how easily could you earn more income compared to other people in your community, country, and the world; are you expecting an inheritance); people counting on your financial livelihood including dependents and community members; the socio-economic conditions of your locale (relative to other places in your country and in the world); your relationship to food & resource scarcity.

$40  Partner

$20  Supporter (Note: This amount reflects the “real” value of this offering.)

$10  Companion

$5    Friend

$0   Community Member