About Corporeal Writing
we are the rest of you
Bestselling writer and teacher Lidia Yuknavitch has crafted her body-centered art-making philosophy into a groundbreaking workshop practice. With both Face2Face and online workshops, also called creative labs, Corporeal Writing has quickly established itself as a writing revolution. This lateral revolution is open to artists of all types at all levels.
Corporeal as in writing by and through the body. Corporeal because your body has a point of view in life.
Corporeality = all of our knowing comes from our bodies. And stories come out of you differently if you write from there. Readers experience them differently if you write from there. The world might be different, if we write from there.
Open to writers in any form, artists of any kind, and health, body, mind and spirit care professionals. Or anyone who wants to explore the realm of the creative.
"I understand experience as art. In other words, I see reality, identity, and experience by and through stories, films, plays, poems, paintings, music and dance. As a writer, I try to name precisely what's what from my biased point of view in a way that might engage a reader. Inside that relationship--between a writer and a reader--a fiercely passionate world may yet rise. That is, if you risk letting art into your life. Writing is a metaphor for living a life. I teach writing, literature, and art as if they were urgent."
– Lidia Yuknvavitch
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Questions? E-mail domi@corporealwriting.com.
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